Storage Full, 2019
The ubiquity of the smartphone tempts to act as a memory support. By capturing moments, shooting videos and taking screenshots, the memory fills up quickly and consistently.
In the bonfire of digital memory, viewers can witness the tiring process deleting smartphone pictures. Can the flood of memories still be handled in times where the shutter is pressed faster than our brain can process?
audio-visual installation, graduation project
1920 × 1080 px, carpet, sound
Storage Full, 2019
The ubiquity of the smartphone tempts to act as a memory support. By capturing moments, shooting videos and taking screenshots, the memory fills up quickly and consistently.
In the bonfire of digital memory, viewers can witness the tiring process deleting smartphone pictures. Can the flood of memories still be handled in times where the shutter is pressed faster than our brain can process?
audio-visual installation
graduation project
1920 × 1080 px, carpet, sound